Liste partonomique P1, langue principale: FR, subsidiaire: LA, interface: FR, travaux en cours

tégument commun

Navigation par listes
Page de départ Partonomie TAH
Niveau supérieur tégument commun étendu
Langage subsidiaire avec le latin
Language principal non Latin
Liste partonomique
Equivalent français court
Terme Latin officiel court
74657 7382 tax
tégument commun
integumentum commune
7163 7383 tax
peau P2 81 nœuds fils
70544 7439 tax
toile sous-cutanée P2 13 nœuds fils
tela subcutanea ; hypodermis
55264 7425 tax
sillon intermammaire
sulcus intermammarius
9601 7424 tax
sein (paire) P2 47 nœuds fils
mamma (par)
5 lignes
80.0 %
100.0 %
Notes scientifiques
Libelle of note
New subdivision used after Lockwood (1991 Plast Reconstr Surg 6:1009-1018) and Herlin et al.(2015 Surg Radiol Anat 37:731-741). Nowadays, most authors have agreed that the subcutaneous tissue consists of three main components, based on a concept by Lockwood (1991) who presented a superficial fascial system, focussing on the trunk and limbs: (1) the superficial adipose tissue; (2) an intermediate membranous later or superficial fascia, which can be either fibrous and/or muscular, and either single or multiple, this layer includes the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) of the face, and (3) the deep adipose tissue (Herlin et al. (2015).
Type of list P1
List Unit Identifier 7382
Sublist 1 7383 cutis 81/42 on 21.9.2024
Sublist 2 7424 mamma 47/16 on 21.9.2024
Sublist 3 7439 tela subcutanea 13/14 on 21.9.2024
Subtotals subchildren 141 subunits 72
Proper children 4
Number of children 145 (validated)
Proper units 2
Number of units 74 (validated)
Signature 22424 (validated since 21.9.2024)
Date: 29.12.2024